Sunday, January 6, 2013

Out With The...

Ah, it's that time again, New Years. A time for reflecting and doing, cleaning and purging, drinking and... drinking.

Hmmmm. The one thing it's definitely time for is New Years Resolutions and I have many things to resolve. I figured as much out as I purged the old apt of everything that pissed me off from years past including the horrible mystery meat in the fridge that started this horrible Scrooge metaphor.

Yes I ate it. No it didn't kill me. Yes I wish it hadn't.  No, the Ghost of Christmas Past and I are not cool for a while. When you're throwing away old shit and he keeps telling you to keep it, cause he's a frigging pack rat, you tend to get on each others nerves. And he's a little whinny... well anyway. You get where I'm coming from. I'm sure he'll be fine.

Where was I. Yes. The resolutions. As any other sane man in the Western World would , I have promised to do many things over the next year. Many of which, like any reasonable man in the Western World, should fall by the way side, mid- What day is today?

So with that, let's begin.

One (several) of my issues have to do with my parents. I don't really have any. Issues. Not parents. With them. Of course I have issues. They're still here. The Issues. Yes. And parents too. Who's on first?

Anyway. I'm grown and that stuff needs to be left in your mid twenties. Other than that they really have to step up their game on creating BS in my adult life. Not even one complaint about not having any grandkids yet. ::sigh::

Second, I need to resolve a few of the issues left over from my childhood. In particular- my Transformers collection  It's still at my mom's house. Again, parent non-issue, issues. For God's sake Mom, regular parents would have thrown that crap away twenty years ago. Sheesh.

Back to the TF issue. I'm really thinking my book case needs that original edition Metroplex, standing guard protecting it from the many nuisances of bookcase life. Case in point, the horde of Giant Dust Bunnies that threaten to destroy the sovereign cleanliness of the Middle Shelf Spaces of any NY apt.

Third, why is there always a third with human beings, can't we be happy enough with two. I know a few scientist that could tell you why but we're just gong to go with it.

Third, a little more separation of church and state, friends and other friends, and friends and ketchup. I meant fries and ketch up. Really mayonnaise more so than ketchup. I'm a sauces on the side, dipping kind of guy. Unless it's ketchup, then I like pour directly on the fries. But not too much, the taste can get a little overwhelming. And then only thin fries. The fat ones, you gotta have the ketchup up on the side. Trust me on this one.

Back to the point, which is doing and not doing. See, the thirds thing again. Yes. Yes. It doesn't  exactly line up, it was kind of a four thing- but my point is to separate the doing from the not doing. Well it's not really my point. Please skip to the next paragraph. The argument is better constructed there.

Here is my point AND wish for those reading. May you all begin the process of separating the things (activities, friendships, endeavors, et cetera) that bring value to your life from the things that do not. I hope the New Year gives you the ability to focus on things that are moving you forward, allowing you to focus a little less those which are not.

We're only human, so many of those non value things are harder to stop than we think, mainly because as much as we swear them off we secretly love them. A blog for another time. As was my actual point about the need of separation so that the various spaces in your life can co-exist in a meaningful way... but this is a good place to end and try again next time, as is the New Years to end some things and try again with your goals and ambitions.

Cheers to your new years resolutions. May they last more than a week.

And with folks, I'm outtie like 3000. Even though Andre has made that saying that a little moot. But who's counting. Clearly I am.

- C (is for Cookie. And also Chris.)

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