Sunday, July 29, 2012

the King of Gaffes

I was out the other night celebrating a friend's birthday. We were all having a good ol'time. Shots were  downed. Dancing broke out all around. And of course there were several pretty ladies to whom we did our best impressions of "take me seriously."

While I'm not impervious to a few rounds of take me seriously, I usually sidestep a lot of it. This particular gal was lovely and a delight to speak with, as everyone's presence around her immediate vicinity seemed to denote. Somehow, as always happens with take me seriously, politics inevitably come up, as it is a subset of TMS.

As stated previously, I'm not particularly prone to rounds of TMS (especially in front of ladies) or politics for that matter. However, it was politely phrased in the form of a cock blocking question. And I paraphrase: "yo, what are you two talking about- politics!? Which everyone knows to be a challenge to your manhood, so who am I to resist such a delicately positioned proposal.

While it certainly was not my plan to do speak of politics in the conversation, this potential gaffe accusation on their part eventually lead us to the King of All Gaffe Makers, Mr. Mitt Romney, who was quickly brought up to be incompetent, or moron, or something of that sort. After all we were all stanky, no good liberals, and seeing as that is how we think, the conversation went down that path.

All that being said, I found myself defending Romney. Weird. I know. It felt weird. My goal was to impress the girl, not flirt with the GOP. Even though I'm sure the Grand Ol'Party must have cute girls too, they were not there... but I digress. My purpose in the conversation was to say Mitt is not a buffoon who doesn't know how to speak. No. Quite the opposite. Mitt is a man who knows exactly what he wants to say.

The problem is, as it is with many of us, he doesn't want to say it in a certain context, i.e. his current political spotlight. No offense to anyone, but Mitt, from what my liberal outlets tell me, is a bit of a jerk. I know, I'm being kind in my liberal description of Mr. Romney. What can I say my mom, raised me to be Southern Gentleman. 

Back to our pal, Mitt. The dude is just an ass, plain and simple. Maybe a I nice one once you get to know him, but the stuff he does and says, well it belies that sort of attitudes usually reserved for people that category. And the gaffes, they happen because his self-editor runs so high, he isn’t sure what to say, because his internal thermostat runs counter to everything he has to say and do in public as a politician. 

Everything knows and has done in his life as a tireless servant of capitalism, is different than what he has to say to keep us masses happy. Example, "you sucked at your job, you are now fired. Be gone." The problem is you can't fire the American people. I know. Mitt knows. It sucks. We all agree.

What does any of this have to do with running a presidential campaign (i.e. politics) and further more the party and beautiful lady!? 

Not much, except saying what you feel at the moment is important. Mitt is learning this. I'm learning from Mitt. Hopefully you are leaning this from me. Why? It will keep you from gaffing and coming off as more of douche than you are currently. 

Case in point, I didn't want to talk about politics,  as I often feign ignorance on these things. I wanted to make a point about people. I got some eye rolls from the guys dancing around the pretty lady. But I said what I needed to amd they proceeded to hit on her the rest of the night until such time they had to say their goodbyes and she immediately came back over to me to continue our conversation.

Only thing is she had a man of seven years. Guess I'm glad I didn’t say everything that was on my mind. Or else I might have left the party with a swollen lip. Just kidding. Unless you thought that last part was funny. And then I double mean it. 

-Till Then!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Blogger vs. Wordpress

So I haven't decided if I am going to make the big plunge to a Blogger account.

I am very partial to Wordpress. I have lots of cool photos up that I like. Which have been made completely useless by Tumblr. Thank you for screwing up my micro-blogging aspirations Tumblr team.

And while Google+ is a great integration feature for Blogger, Wordpress is that silky smoothness I expect online. Blogger still feels like a clunky counterpart, a Dell computer that desperately wants to be a Mac.

IDK. We'll see how it goes.